DJ Events provides events and calendar solution for your Joomla site. Submitting and displaying events in Joomla has never been easier. It works for the administrator and frontend users providing a variety of useful events features.
DJ-Events is a versatile, flexible, and responsive tool providing integration with any Joomla website. It has everything you need for a successful events website. Moreover, it can be downloaded for free
Because of its simplicity, it allows us to create new single or recurring (daily, weekly, monthly etc.with no end date restrictions ) events in minutes. All events can be managed both in front-end or back-end.
Each event view can contain a name, description, images, and videos (also YouTube or Vimeo), price information, and the exact location displayed on the map (Google maps support.

Free Joomla! Events Extension
Available in your language
There are several language translations for DJ-Events. You can install the translation package and use the extension in that language. Here’s a list of available language packs:
- Polish
- French
- Danish
- Russian
- German
- Dutch
- Portuguese
What is included in DJ-Events extension package
DJ-Events installation package contains the component and modules.
DJ-Events component is purposed for events content management. You can create events and assign them to a chosen categories.
The component offers many options to choose from (Global settings, Views settings, Upload settings, Permissions.) There is also a documentation button directing to the events documentation section where you can find more information about the extension settings.
After installing and configuring the extension, the DJ-Events component will be visible on your site once you publish the menu item.
Events menu item types
DJ-Events offers four menu item types. Let’s see them and what they are used for:
- Event Submission Form – add new event view
- Events Listing View – is used to display the list of events
- User Events View – displays events of a given user where he can manage them
- Weekly Events View – shows a list of events that will take place during a particular week. There is an option to switch between weeks quickly.
Multiple useful modules to use
In addition to the component view, you can also display its useful modules.
The Joomla extension comes with such modules:
- Search module – used to display an events search.
- Calendar module – display the calendar. There many calendar settings to choose from (including two layouts)
- Tags module – displays events tags. You can set their limit and order.
- Maps module – displays a list of upcoming/past events from DJ-Events component on the map (Google Maps)
- Items module – display list of upcoming/past events from DJ-Events component
DJ-Events gives users the possibility to import events from JEvents Joomla! Extension – popular calendar and listing add-on for Joomla. You can easily import your events, and they will be displayed on the site in DJ-Events.
Using this option removes all existing data from DJ-Events and imports the content of the JEvents component.
DJ-Events also allows displaying events from DJ-Events extension as an album in DJ-MediaTools gallery and the slideshow component
How your Media Tools album will be shown, depends on the album settings. You can use one of 10 layouts (like a grid, slideshow, masonry, slider, etc) to display your events.
If you are not familiar with DJ-MediaTools, learn how to integrate it with DJ-Events from this article.
Frontend event submission
DJ-Events extension is the perfect solution for those looking for a frontend events management. It allows website users to create events from the website front end.
You can easily configure advanced ACL to set permissions for each Joomla user group.
Front-end submission comes with many event configuration options including the title, category, event URL, price information, description, tags, event’s time and date, event media.
Users’ events are available in the user’s panel. He can see the list of created events, filter them, publish or unpublish and delete them as well.
DJ Events Powered Templates
JD Desire
JD Cafe
JD Restaurant
School Joomla Template
Hope this article helped you to learn about DJ-Events and you’re ready to try it! It’s free so just jump to the downloads section and download your copy.